Tyler | Summer Senior Pictures in Allegany, New York

Senior Portraits

Senior guy on his four-wheeler on a dirt track and on a chest in a grassy field and a tire with a helmet for summer senior pictures in Allegany, New York.

Trees. As they grow taller, their strong roots dig deep into the ground, giving stability and sturdiness to the forest as their branches shade the creatures underneath. Like a tree, my strong and steadfast cousin, Tyler, caringly helps and supports others, standing strong for them without first thinking of himself. So, when my aunt wanted us to capture Tyler’s summer senior pictures at their house in Allegany, New York, we were thrilled to give back to him and capture this special moment as he embarks on this next chapter in his life.

We had a blast scouting photo spots in the woods and fields. Tyler loves spending time outdoors, racing his quad, and soaking up the sunshine. He has been working hard to train for his races, so we were grateful to capture his passion for the sport on his racing trails. Even though he looked handsome and the session was so much fun, the best part was seeing the wonderful young man Tyler has become.

One look at Tyler, and you can tell he possesses great perseverance and grit. Whether completing assignments for his college-level classes, practicing with his soccer team, or taking time out of his busy schedule to spend time with his family, he constantly strives to be the best version of himself while showering those around him with kindness. His priceless compassion, vibrant courage, fun-loving personality, and genuine love for others make him so special and unique- a strong and pure treasure!

“‘Now I [Jesus] say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it’” (Matthew 16:18, NLT).

When Peter met Jesus, Jesus asked him to cast his net into the deep water to catch fish. Even though Peter had been fishing all night and hadn’t caught any, he still listened to Jesus and put his net in. Jesus then blessed him with so many fish that Peter’s nets started ripping, and his friends had to help him bring them in, causing their boats to about sink. Peter responded by laying himself at Jesus’ feet and confessing his wrongdoings. He, his friends (James and John), and the others who had seen the miracle were completely filled with awe. Jesus placed a calling on Peter’s life- to “fish for people”- and Peter, James, and John gave up everything and followed Him (Luke 5:4-11).

Dear Tyler, cast out your net of faith as you enter this next season of your life. As you navigate where to go and what to do, trust in God’s plans for you, follow Him, and lean on His strength, and He will lead you like Peter and bless you abundantly! He is faithful, filled with unfailing love, and everything you need! He has such great plans for you!

You are such a strong, hard-working young man, and we are just so proud of your consistent effort, kindness, and dedication. Whether you’re sacrificing your time to play with your younger cousins, spend time with your friends and family, work outside, exert yourself in the classroom, and more, thank you for always giving your everything to serve others! You are God’s unique and dearly loved child, and you’re so loved and cherished by Him, your family, us, and many others! Thank you for blessing us with being able to capture your summer senior pictures; we had so much fun! Love you lots!

Senior guy sitting on his four-wheeler and sitting on a tire outdoors in Allegany, New York.
Senior guy with a cream shirt sitting in tall grass in the woods for summer senior pictures in Allegany, New York.
Senior guy kneeling in front of his four-wheeler on a dirt track and sitting in his truck in a field in Allegany, New York.
Senior guy kneeling by the side of his four-wheeler outdoors on a dirt track for summer senior pictures in Allegany, New York.

God bless, 
Cadence & the JHP Family

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(John 15:12 NLT). 

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Documenting your precious moments can seem stressful and frantic, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re hoping to capture that priceless family picture, document your legacy of love, or celebrate your senior’s milestone, my family and I would love to serve you on this journey! We believe family is one of God’s greatest blessings, so with each image we take and each word we write, we pray He’ll use us to show you His abundant love and


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